Thursday 22 June 2017


A baby suffering from 'Kivuti' (Flu) getting attended to. PHOTO: Courtesy 
It was just the other day at the office. Everyone was completely engrossed in doing what they do best. Suddenly the chairman came in, with his five-year-old son. 

Given the circumstances surrounding the work we were doing, it was a bit hard for him to break the ice until his little boy came to his rescue.

“Dad, is it true that Kivuti is a disease?” 

The boy innocently asked, looking up at his father.

Everyone burst out laughing, to the consternation of the already anxious young man. The laughter was so loud that it drowned out the voice of the chairman, as he tried to keep a straight face while he answered his son in the affirmative.

“Yes, Kivuti is the Kiembu word Flu or influenza.” 

After the laughter had substantially subsided, one very gifted orator, also a medical doctor among us went into a rhetoric of explaining to the then extremely mystified boy, all about Flu - that it is an acute, febrile and highly contagious viral disease, symptomized by a running nose, headache, fever and general discomfort.
A man suffering from the flu (common cold)
Noting that the young man seemed not satisfied with the answer he had received, another member of the team; a politician to the core, continued to further explain to the obviously highly intelligent boy that Kivuti is also the name of the former Embu senator, who now wants to become Governor.
Former Embu Senator, Lenny Kivuti with the incumbent governor Martin Wambora

“But how can a disease become governor?”

Wondered the boy before running out of the office to play around his father’s car. 

Each one of us was left to silently contemplate the youngster's remarks. 

CONCLUSION: If the meaning of people's names is anything to go by, then the people of Embu have no reason to vote for Kivuti the 'Flu' while the name Wambora means 'of goodness'.

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