Sunday 24 June 2018

Would You Rather Be Part of the Problem OR Part of the Solution?

The kidney transplant
misfortune as reported
on social media
The land of opportunities is now becoming the land of many firsts. For those unfamiliar with which land is referred to here; It's Embu County. Of late, the formerly laid back ethnic community is hitting the headlines of both the social and the mainstream media, with all kinds of news astounding Kenyans. 

As much as more times than less the county has come to the public attention for controversial reasons, the fourth estate will tell you that there is nothing like negative publicity. After all, haven't you seen how scandalous news spreads like bushfire; trending and going viral like a virus?

Take for instance the recent kidney transplant that had been initially applauded, only to turn awry later. Though it pains a writer just to write about the operation, there will always be need to publish such; if only for future reference.

Some say that Embu County government takes after the national government in terms of having sagas to cover previous ones. Was it not the other day that the social media was ablaze with the 'Pantie scandal'? Right about the same time was the issue of MCAs' gym fees that was to be allegedly footed by the government using taxpayers' money. Before then was the aborted Appeal Court hearing emanating from the 2017 election loser's petition against the incumbent's victory (the judges withdrew from the case citing attempted efforts at bribery by the aforementioned politician). We could go back all the way to the teething problems of devolution when the county's leader, Martin Wambora became the first governor in Kenya to face impeachment and the first one to emerge victorious.
Governor Martin Wambora of Embu County
Thus argue some of the elite in the society that just like the national government covered up the 'handshake' gimmick with Miguna Miguna's debacle - to date Nairobi County has no Deputy Governor and nobody talks about it anymore - which was in turn covered up by the NYS heist followed by the 'mercury in the sugar' story, so does the much naturally endowed county operate. Anyhow, whether you like it or not, Kenya will continue being a shining star in Africa and Embu a celebrity county within it. 

One of the awards to Embu
County since devolution set off
Was not the same Embu Level 5 hospital recently praised for having conducted a first successful brain surgery? Did the county not bag a coveted award for Best  Practice in Healthcare?

Was it not the first county to introduce Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) program; complete with free school milk for the pupils and close to 500 professional teachers employed on permanent and pensionable basis? So many firsts, that if fully enumerated would render this article endless.

So much having been said, you and I can only be on either of these two sides: The pessimist who will always find a problem in every solution or the optimist who will find a solution for every problem. Which side are you?

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