Wednesday 22 August 2018

AS YOU THWART ANY PROPOSAL, Be Wary Lest You Regret Later

There is this story of a certain middle aged man who didn't fall in love very easily; given his high level of education, range of knowledge and other people's experiences. Nevertheless, in his third decade of life, he fell in love for a third time (first time he had been an undergraduate and the second time was after he had landed his first well-paying job at the age of 27). In both cases, he had fallen out of the love quite easily; the moment his ladies showed even an iota of non-cooperation. However, this third time he was determined to keep the relationship going, considering that his expiry date as a bachelor was fast approaching.

Unfortunately, the girl he had come to like very much started playing hard to get, the moment she realized how much our guy was interested in her. Well, this is how it happened:

Our eligible bachelor would regularly chat with the apple of his eye and in his texts he would call her 'babe', out of fondness. All the sh1t hit the fan when suddenly the woman replied to one of his texts telling him not to call her 'babe' again as it would never be! As you would expect, it was a shocker for our supposedly suave guy; the lady was proving to be more sophisticated! The dude therefore ignored the offensive message, taking his time before texting back to 'his babe'. When he did, the girl didn't respond in turn. He would later call her and she wouldn't pick his calls. It followed that the gentleman (he's a jerk, anyway) realized that he was getting a taste of his own medicine. Just as easily as he had dropped the other girls who had been in love with him earlier, so was he getting blatantly jilted! At that juncture he decided that only a 'handshake' would do. As it had worked for other politicians, so should it work for him - After all, wasn't he a politician too?


When a peaceable person, who may appear to have hurt you earlier approaches you for reconciliation, be clever enough to accept it. This parable therefore goes to former Embu senator Hon Lenny Kivuti, who represents the girl in the above illustration. As the girl decided that she can't be called 'babe' before jumping into bed with the guy, so does the Embu opposition leader insist that he can't take Governor Wambora's handshake before 'jumping' to the Supreme Court - signified by the bed in this literally work.


Just jump to bed Ma'am, I mean Sir.

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