Tuesday, 31 March 2020

What Embu Needs (WhEN) Series #3: Corona Virus Heroes

Embu youth translate the lifesaving Corona Virus message into local dialect

mbu youth, powered by goodwill and driven by worry, have translated a lifesaving message on Corona Virus into simple Kiembu. 

A creativity urge spiced by a nose for gaps by the youth has turned them into local messengers, bringing the message home in a language understood across board.

"We noted how difficult it is to explain the message on the prevention of Corona Virus infection to the literary challenged and decided to translate the message into local dialects for easier consumption by all," said the youth. 

With this, young scholars can read out word for word to those who do not understand English, especially the elderly and people living in remote villages, hence better dissemination of the message. 

What Embu Needs (WhEN) recognizes such youth as Corona Virus heroes whose efforts to beat the scourge should be appreciated. 

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