Wednesday 2 November 2016


Embu County Secretary, Raymond Kinyua and wife Jane Roddy Raymond

This session took place between 6.00pm and 8.00 pm, on Monday, 1/11/16, with Ambrose Njeru and Njoka acting as moderators. For the sake of objectivity, we have published only what the aspirant, who is also the current County Secretary, said without including who asked which question:

A background check shows that most of our students are currently in Day Schools albeit not by choice but because of the high fees charged in boarding schools. Day schools is also where we have 100% of local student enrollment thus better performance in these schools will ensure a high transition rate of our children to tertiary institutions.
In this, I will come up with RUNYENJES SOCIAL BURSARY SCHEME  where all contractors doing business with the CDF will be required to contribute a certain %age of the tender value to the scheme as CSR towards Education. A representative of the business community will be included in the constituency bursary committee to oversight such funds.In addition, there will be an ANNUAL  Education support Harambee led by MNA which will raise more funds towards the scheme. This will be added to the CDF bursary kitty and used to award reasonable bursaries to the needy students both secondary and  tertiary levels of education.
There will be an annual award ceremony for best performing students and teachers for all our education institutions. This will boost the morale of our students and  staff to perform optimally to give best results.


Much has been said about the poor state of roads in the constituency. If my bid is successful, I will introduce a department of Community Road rehabilitation and maintenance program, this does not substitute contractual works but sets aside funds for road maintenance through labour based contracts. Largely our youths will be engaged in the maintenance .The constituency leadership will work closely with the county Govt and make use of the graders in place and land bought to excavate Murram since we are serving the same people .CDF Will also set aside money where culverts will be moulded and used in the Rural Roads maintenance program.

Youth and Women:
CDF will set out a Kitty for women and youth economic support program. This will be a replica of the current Youth Fund which was my brain child as the CO for Ministry of youth and Sports. The kitty will finance business initiatives by the youth an women and repaid at low or no interest rates.
We will also use Talent development and promotion as a means of youth economic empowerment. We will initiate rigorous marketing of our talents and this will see our talented youth in different fields join initiatives, clubs and programs where they can get financial gains from their talents.

Water and Electricity:
To curb the constant water shortage issues especially in the lower parts of Runyenje’s, there will be introduction of local sources of water ran by the area residents. This initiative will sink boreholes and distribute water within a certain radius for both domestic and irrigation use. This will enhance food production and increase productivity. We will also maintain the existing water distribution framework.
In collaboration with the national government, we will ensure that power transformers are installed in appropriate areas where there is no connection. This will ensure that residents of Runyenje’s will be able to get nearby connection to the power grid thus enjoy the low rates of Rural electrification program.

Agriculture and Trade:

To promote agriculture in the area, we will introduce value addition to our agricultural products. We will also source for competitive markets to our products thus ensuring that our farmers are not exploited by middle men.
CDF will also seek to setup cottage industries based on the main economic practice in each region.

Benevolent scheme:
CDF will set aside some funds for purchase of a hearse and burial equipment for the constituency. This will be used to help the needy bereaved families who are not able to cater for a decent send off for their loved ones.

CDF Management:
I will ensure restructuring of the CDF management committee to strike regional balance and ensure equity. The committees will be devolved to the ward level to ensure that each ward has its development plan prioritized as per their needs.

I will conclude my presentation based on what I had said earlier that am ready to engage on any topic as long as am approached on the same. I don't want to digress further on this. I thank all of you who participated and gave their views. Let us make informed decisions devoid of sectarian and parochial politics. This country belongs to all of us. For those who want me to answer questions on my performance and my current position then I guess the administrators can set another day. God bless and goodnight.

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